What Today’s First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home

Last week, after speaking with Simon Fitzpatrick of Simon Fitzpatrick Exceptional Propertiesto learn about what the older generation is looking for when they downsize to a smaller home, I thought it might be interesting, conversely, to find out about what the first time home buyer might be looking for today. I bought my first home 15 years ago and the market and times have changed greatly since then, and so, it seems has the makeup of the first time buyer.

FH first home2 What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home
FH first time home buyer11 What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home
fh first time home buyers What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home
FH first home What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home
 What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home
FH first home1 What Todays First Time Homebuyer is Looking for in the Purchase of Their Home