10 Unmissable TED Videos For Designers

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) has been existed since 1984 with the primary objective to spread some really great ideas and experience related with technology, entertainment and design. You might not be familiar with this conference, but seriously, cool technological devices like Xbox Kinect is inspired by one of TED’s talk.

For sure it’s not just about complicated technology or hardcore design theory. TED is flooded by top-notch and innovative designers, developers and scholars, namely Tim-Bernett Lee, Don Norman, and Dennis Dutton, who are willing to share their life story, experience and vision for greater benefit of the world.

Since we web designer are a hybrid of web developer and graphic designer, I’m going to introduce you 10 unmissable TED videos that either explore the way to create great design, or urges you to think big in your design career, or even predict the next 5000 days of the web. All 10 videos might cost you 10 to 30 minutes, but it will absolutely be one of the greatest time investment in your life.

Source : http://www.hongkiat.com/blog/ted-video-for-web-designers/