Seeking Photography Inspiration: Destinations

We all agree that it’s very hard to define inspiration, that very personal process, specially tailored to your precise measurements. But if you are in tight spot – inspiration-wise – and you really need somebody to come and take you by the hand and show you around, then read on.

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club” Jack London

Get on the Bus! Where? Anywhere. Yes, it might as well be all ‘public transportation’, but the truth is that buses have a je ne sais quoi that keeps you in contact (literally) with people, while taking you through surprising neighbourhoods. It can be fast-forward or slow motion, depending where you’re taking the bus from/to. Keep all your senses alive. Try to absorb as much as possible of the world around you. It’s like the news meets soaps, documentaries and feature films. The less familiar the hood, the better. Switch off your mobile, relax, and focus on those things that usually slip your mind on a busy daily routine. Like the top windows of the buildings, the creaking pub signs, or the old gentleman searching for his ticket.
Take notes. Of course, don’t forget the camera.

“Inspiration is hard to come by. You have to take it where you find it” Bob Dylan

Walk! If something catches your eye, go back and explore it on foot. You’ll be amazed about the incredible amount of details and stories hidden in side streets, alleys, parks… Go off the beaten track!

Keep chasing the light, the sunset and the sunrise, and everything in between. And do not underestimate the power of a good photo exhibition. Exploring the photos that made it, that won awards and stood the passage of time, can give you as many tips as any face to face with your heroes. Try to imagine (!) how did they came across those stories.

Thomas Edison was right when he said that “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to take it… literally. Keep seeking!

On the other hand, if it’s not for your own portfolio, you can always find the photos you want just a click away, like on 123rf for example.

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