Our Clean Up Week: Keep Calm And Stay Tuned (With 15% Off Smashing Products!)

This week at Smashing Magazine, we’ve decided to reflect on and analyze performance, navigation, code base, style guides, content, customer support, our tools and our internal processes — basically everything. That’s why Smashing Magazine will be unusually quiet for the rest of this week.
We’ll be using this week to reflect each and every crack in Smashing Magazine that has been nagging at us. No distractions, (almost) no emails, tweets or Facebook updates, no Skype calls — just 60 hours of focused, uninterrupted work.
While we’re (kind of) away this week, we’d be more than happy to leave you with a 15% discount on all of our lovely Smashing products — whether it’s a Smashing Book, an eBook, the entire Smashing Library, or even a Smashing Workshop. If you’ve ever thought about picking one of these up, now is the time to do it. We’d like to express a sincere thank you for all of your support, and for following us throughout the years!

Source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/06/03/smashingmags-clean-up-week/